GB part.1
ARCADE【1】【2】【3】【4】 | WS&WSC | MSX | MSX2 | PCE(HuCARD) | PCE(CD-ROM2) |
FC【1】【2】【3】 | FC DISK | GB【1】 | SFC | GBC | GBA |
MARKⅢ | MD | GG | PS | ETC1 | ETC2 |
- 3丁目のタマ タマ&フレンズ 3丁目お化けパニック !!
- 3分予想 馬番俱楽部
- 4-in-1 Funpak – Volume II (USA, Europe)
- 4-IN-1 ファンパック
- Addams Family, The – Pugsley’s Scavenger Hunt (USA, Europe)
- Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends, The (USA)
- Aladdin (USA)
- Alien Olympics (Europe)
- Alleyway (World)
- All-Star Baseball 99 (USA)
- Amazing Spider-Man, The (USA, Europe)
- Animaniacs (USA)
- Arcade Classic No. 1 – Asteroids & Missile Command (USA, Europe)
- Arcade Classic No. 2 – Centipede & Millipede (USA, Europe)
- Arcade Classic No. 4 – Defender & Joust (USA, Europe)
- Arcade Classics – Super Breakout & Battlezone (USA, Europe)
- Asterix & Obelix (Europe) (Fr,De)
- Asteroids (USA, Europe)
- Balloon Kid (USA, Europe)
- Barbie – Game Girl (USA, Europe)
- Batman – The Animated Series (USA, Europe)
- Batman – The Video Game (World)
- Battle of Olympus, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
- Battletoads in Ragnarok’s World (USA)
- Battletoads-Double Dragon (USA)
- Beavis and Butt-Head (USA, Europe)
- Beethoven (Europe)
- Beetlejuice (USA)
- Bill & Ted’s Excellent Game Boy Adventure – A Bogus Journey! (USA, Europe)
- Bill Elliott’s NASCAR Fast Tracks (USA)
- Blues Brothers, The – Jukebox Adventure (Europe)
- Blues Brothers, The (USA, Europe)
- Bo Jackson – Two Games in One (USA)
- Boggle Plus (USA)
- Boggle Plus (USA)
- Bomb Jack (Europe)
- Bram Stoker’s Dracula (USA, Europe)
- BreakThru! (USA)
- Bubsy II (USA)
- BurgerTime Deluxe (World)
- Bust-A-Move 3 DX (Europe)
- Buster Bros. (USA)
- Captain America and the Avengers (USA)
- Casino FunPak (USA, Europe)
- Casper (USA)
- Castle Quest (Europe)
- Centipede (USA, Europe)
- Championship Pool (USA)
- Choplifter III (Europe)
- Chuck Rock (USA, Europe)
- Cliffhanger (USA, Europe)
- College Slam (USA)
- Cool Ball (USA)
- Cool Hand (Europe)
- Cool Spot (USA)
- Cool World (USA, Europe)
- Crystal Quest (USA)
- CULT MASTER ウルトラマンに魅せられて
- CutThroat Island (USA, Europe)
- Darkman (USA, Europe)
- Darkwing Duck (USA)
- Days of Thunder (USA, Europe)
- Dennis the Menace (USA)
- Desert Strike – Return to the Gulf (USA)
- Dick Tracy (USA)
- Dig Dug (USA)
- Donkey Kong Land III (USA, Europe)
- Double Dragon 3 – The Arcade Game (USA. Eurone)
- Dr. Franken II (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,NI,Sv)
- Dragonborne (World)
- DragonHeart (USA, Europe)
- Dropzone (Europe)
- DX馬券王Z
- Earthworm Jim (USA)
- F-15 Strike Eagle (USA, Europe)
- F-1スピリット
- F-1ボーイ
- F-1レース
- Faceball 2000 (USA)
- Felix the Cat (USA, Europe)
- FIFA – Road to World Cup 98 (Europe)
- FIFA International Soccer (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
- FIFA Soccer 96 (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
- FIFA Soccer 97 (USA, Europe)
- Fire Fighter (Europe)
- Flash, The (USA, Europe)
- Flintstones, The – King Rock Treasure Island (USA, Europe)
- Flintstones, The (USA, Europe)
- Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball (USA, Europe)
- Franky, Joe & Dirk – On the Tiles (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,NI)
- Frogger (USA)
- From TV animation スラムダンク がけっぷちの決勝リーグ
- From TV animation スラムダンク2全国へのTIPP OFF
- G1キング!三匹の予想屋
- Game Boy Gallery – 5 Games in 1 (Europe)
- Game of Harmony, The (USA)
- GARMS オペレーションガンダム
- Gauntlet II (USA, Europe)
- GBバスケットボール
- GBパチスロ必勝法Jr.
- GB原人
- GB原人2
- GB原人ランドビバ!ちっくん王国
- Gear Works (USA, Europe)
- George Foreman’s KO Boxing (USA, Europe)
- Gerry Anderson’s サンダーバード
- Getaway, The – High Speed II (USA)
- GO GO アックマン
- GO!GO!ヒッチハイク
- Hercules (USA, Europe)
- High Stakes Gambling (USA)
- Hit the Ice – VHL – The Official Video Hockey League (USA, Europe)
- Home Alone 2 – Lost in New York (USA, Europe)
- Hugo 2 (Germany)
- Humans, The (USA)
- Hunchback of Notre Dame, The – 5 Foolishly Fun Topsy Turvy Games (USA,Europe)
- In Your Face (USA)
- Incredible Crash Dummies, The (USA, Europe)
- Indien dans la Ville, Un (France)
- Iron Man X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal (USA, Europe)
- J·カップサッカー
- Jack Nicklaus Golf (USA, Europe)
- James Bond 007 (USA, Europe)
- Jeep Jamboree – Off-Road Adventure (USA)
- Jelly Boy (Europe)
- Jeopardy! – Platinum Edition (USA)
- Jeopardy! – Sports Edition (USA)
- Jeopardy! – Teen Tournament (USA)
- Jeopardy! (USA)
- Jetsons, The – Robot Panic (USA, Europe)
- Joe & Mac (USA)
- Jungle Book, The (USA, Europe)
- Jungle Strike (USA)
- Jurassic Park (USA)
- Jurassic Park Part 2 – The Chaos Continues (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
- JI- LIVE’95
- Jリーグ ウィニングゴール
- Jリーグ ビックウェイブサッカー
- Jリーグ ファイティングサッカー
- Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball (USA, Europe)
- Kid Icarus – Of Myths and Monsters (USA, Europe)
- Killer Instinct (USA, Europe)
- Kingdom Crusade (USA)
- Klax (USA)
- Lamborghini American Challenge (USA, Europe)
- Last Action Hero (USA, Europe)
- Lemmings 2 – The Tribes (Europe)
- Lethal Weapon (USA, Europe)
- Lingo (Europe) (En,Fr,De,NI)
- Lion King, The (USA)
- Little Mermaid, The (USA)
- Lost World, The – Jurassic Park (USA, Europe)
- Lucky Luke (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
- Madden 95 (USA, Europe)
- Madden 96 (USA, Europe)
- Madden 97 (USA)
- Magnetic Soccer (Europe)
- Mani 4 in 1 – Genki Bakuhatsu Gambaruger + Zettai Muteki Raijin-Oh + 他2本
- Mani 4 in 1 – R-Type II + Saigo no Nindou + Ganso !! Yancha Maru + 他1本
- Mani 4 in 1 – Takahashi Meijin no Bouken-jima II + GB Genjin + Bomber Boy+他1本
- Mani 4 in 1 – Tetris + Alleyway + Yakuman + Tennis (China)
- Marble Madness (USA, Europe)
- Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow (USA)
- Maus, Die (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
- Metal Masters (USA)
- Metroid II – Return of Samus (World)
- Mickey’s Ultimate Challenge (USA, Europe)
- Micro Machines (USA, Europe)
- Micro Machines 2 – Turbo Tournament (Europe)
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers – The Movie (USA, Europe)
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (USA, Europe)
- Miner 2049er Starring Bounty Bob (USA)
- Mini Putt (USA)
- Missile Command (USA, Europe)
- Monster Max (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,NI)
- Monster Truck Wars (USA, Europe)
- Montezuma’s Return! (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
- Mortal Kombat 3 (USA, Europe)
- Mouse Trap Hotel (USA)
- Mr. Chin’s Gourmet Paradise (USA)
- Mr. Do! (USA)
- Mr. Nutz (Europe)
- Mr.GOの馬券的中術
- Ms. Pac-Man (USA)
- Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing (USA, Europe)
- Mulan (USA)
- MVPベースボール
- Navy SEALs (USA, Europe)
- NBA All-Star Challenge (USA, Europe)
- NBA Jam (USA, Europe)
- NBA Live 96 (USA, Europe)
- NBA オールスターチャレンジ2
- NBA ジャム トーナメントエディション
- NFL Football (USA)
- NFL Quarterback Club (USA, Europe)
- NFL Quarterback Club 96 (USA, Europe)
- NFL クォーターバッククラブ’95
- NHL 96 (USA, Europe)
- NHL Hockey 95 (USA, Europe)
- Nigel Mansell’s World Championship (USA)
- NINKU-忍空-
- NINKU-忍空-忍空戦争編
- Oddworld Adventures (USA, Europe)
- Olympic Summer Games (USA, Europe)
- Olympic Winter Games – Lillehammer ’94 (USA)
- ONIⅡ 隠忍伝説
- ONIⅢ 黒の破壊神
- ONII 鬼神の血族
- ONIV 隠忍を継ぐ者
- Otto’s Ottifanten – Baby Bruno’s Alptraum (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
- Out of Gas (USA)
- Pagemaster, The (USA)
- Panel Action Bingo (USA)
- Paperboy (USA, Europe)
- Paperboy 2 (USA, Europe)
- Parasol Stars – Rainbow Islands II (Europe)
- PGA European Tour (USA, Europe)
- PGA Tour 96 (USA, Europe)
- Pierre le Chef is … Out to Lunch (Europe)
- Pinball Deluxe (Europe)
- Pinball Dreams (USA, Europe)
- Pinball Fantasies (USA, Europe)
- Pinball Mania (Europe)
- Pinocchio (USA)
- Pit-Fighter (USA, Europe)
- Play Action Football (USA)
- Pocahontas (USA, Europe)
- Primal Rage (USA, Europe)
- Prophecy – The Viking Child (USA)
- Punisher, The – The Ultimate Payback (USA)
- Pyramids of Ra (USA)
- P-マンGB
- Q*バート
- QIX (World)
- Qビリオン
- R·タイプ
- R·タイプⅡ
- Race Days (USA)
- Race Drivin’ (USA, Europe)
- Ren & Stimpy Show, The – Space Cadet Adventures (USA)
- Ren & Stimpy Show, The – Veediots! (USA, Europe)
- Reservoir Rat (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
- Riddick Bowe Boxing (USA)
- Road Rash (USA, Europe)
- Robin Hood – Prince of Thieves (USA)
- RoboCop versus The Terminator (USA)
- Rugrats Movie, The (USA)
- SDガンダム SD戦国伝 国盗り物語
- SDガンダム SD戦国伝2天下統一編
- SDガンダム SD戦国伝3新SD戦国伝 地上最強編
- SDガンダム外伝 ラクロアンヒーローズ
- SDルパン3世 金庫破り大作戦
- SD飛龍の拳外伝
- SD飛龍の拳外伝2
- Sea Battle (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
- seaQuest DSV (USA, Europe)
- Sensible Soccer – European Champions (Europe)
- Shaq Fu (USA)
- Simpsons Itchy & Scratchy, The – Miniature Golf Madness (USA, Europe)
- Simpsons, The – Bart vs. the Juggernauts (USA, Europe)
- Skate or Die – Bad ‘N Rad (USA)
- Skate or Die – Tour de Thrash (USA)
- Small Soldiers (USA, Europe)
- Smurfs Nightmare, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
- Smurfs Travel the World, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
- Smurfs, The (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De)
- Sneaky Snakes (USA, Europe)
- Solitaire FunPak (USA, Europe)
- Space Invaders (USA)
- Speedball 2 – Brutal Deluxe (USA, Europe)
- Spider-Man – X-Men – Arcade’s Revenge (USA, Europe)
- Spider-Man 2 (USA, Europe)
- Spider-Man 3 – Invasion of the Spider-Slayers (USA, Europe)
- Spirou (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
- Sports Illustrated – Championship Football & Baseball (USA)
- Sports Illustrated – Golf Classic (USA)
- Sports Illustrated for Kids – The Ultimate Triple Dare! (USA)
- Star Trek – 25th Anniversary (USA, Europe)
- Star Trek – The Next Generation (USA, Europe)
- Star Trek Generations – Beyond the Nexus (USA)
- Star Wars – The Empire Strikes Back (USA, Europe)
- Star Wars (USA, Europe)
- Stargate (USA, Europe)
- StarHawk (Europe)
- Super Battletank (USA)
- Super Breakout (USA)
- Super Chase H.Q. (USA, Europe)
- Super James Pond (Europe)
- Super Off Road (USA, Europe)
- Super R.C. Pro-Am (USA, Europe)
- Super Scrabble (USA)
- Super Star Wars – Return of the Jedi (USA, Europe)
- Superman (USA, Europe)
- Swamp Thing (USA, Europe)
- T-2ザ·アーケードゲーム
- TaleSpin (USA)
- Tarzan – Lord of the Jungle (USA, Europe)
- Taz-Mania (USA, Europe)
- Taz-Mania 2 (USA)
- Terminator 2 – Judgment Day (USA, Europe)
- Tesserae (USA)
- Tintin – Prisoners of the Sun (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
- Tintin in Tibet (Europe) (En,Es,It,Sv)
- Titus the Fox (USA, Europe)
- TMNT ティーンエイジ·ミュータント·ニンジャ·タートルズ
- TMNT ティーンエイジ·ミュータント·ニンジャ·タートルズ2
- TMNT ティーンエイジ·ミュータント·ニンジャ·タートルズ3 タートルズ危機一発
- Top Gun – Guts & Glory (USA, Europe)
- Top Rank Tennis (USA)
- Total Carnage (USA, Europe)
- Toxic Crusaders (USA)
- Toy Story (USA)
- True Lies (USA, Europe)
- Turn and Burn – The F-14 Dogfight Simulator (USA)
- Turrican (USA, Europe)
- TVチャンピオン
- Universal Soldier (USA, Europe)
- UNO ~スモールワールド~
- UNO2 ~スモールワールド~
- Urban Strike (USA, Europe)
- Vegas Stakes (USA, Europe)
- V-RALLY チャンピオンシップエディション
- VSバトラー
- Wario Land – Super Mario Land 3 (World)
- Wario Land II (USA, Europe)
- Waterworld (Europe)
- Wave Race (USA, Europe)
- Wayne’s World (USA)
- WCW – The Main Event (USA, Europe)
- We’re Back! – A Dinosaur’s Story (USA, Europe)
- Wheel of Fortune (USA)
- Who Framed Roger Rabbit (USA)
- Wizards & Warriors X – The Fortress of Fear (USA, Europe)
- Wordtris (USA)
- WordZap (USA)
- World Cup 98 (USA, Europe)
- Worms (Europe)
- WWF Raw (USA, Europe)
- WWF War Zone (USA, Europe)
- WWF キング オブザリング
- WWF スーパースターズ
- WWF スーパースターズ2
- X(エックス)
- Yogi Bear’s Gold Rush (USA)
- Zen – Intergalactic Ninja (USA)
- Zool – Ninja of the ‘Nth’ Dimension (USA)